Thursday, August 23, 2012

I Should Post Date This, V. VIII "Wicked"

For my birthday this year Matt agreed to letting me buy tickets to see the Broadway musical, "Wicked." It's the second time I've seen it and it was Matt's first. I was just as impressed with it as I was when I saw it two years ago in Denver with some friends. The costuming was phenomenal, the acting and singing was superb, and don't even get me started on the music.

"Wicked', Denver 2009. Don't mind my chubby cheeks, I'm 5 months pregnant in this photo. Yes, I start retaining water early. Very early.
The song, "For Good," really holds a lot of meaning for me. There are two individuals I know that I can
apply this song to. Two friendships that are no longer. We've just changed as people and our lives have moved on- without each other. But I can honestly say that those two people impacted me, in some way, for good. They helped make me who I am today. And for that, I will always be grateful.

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