I found this website called Veegle.com. It's a website about random, but substantiated, facts. Here are a few:
Wisconsin mother and college student Keely Givhan spent six days in jail for unpaid library fines. - LaCrosse Tribune, 3/2/08
A Sicilian court has ruled that an accused Mafioso can go home because he was too big (462 lbs.) to fit through prison doors and in an prison bed. - MSNBC, 3/12/08
The odds are 1 in 23,483 (.00425%) that you will be wrongly declared dead this year as a result of a data entry error by the U. S. Social Security Department staff. - San Diego Union, 3/20/08
Metropolitan Detroit, Michigan public libraries now offer check-out of video games for all major console game systems. The hope is that more kids will discover the library. - Detroit Free Press, 2/17/08
Oceanside, California teacher John Corcoran admitted that he taught high school for 17 years without being able to read or write. - 10 News (San Diego), 2/14/08
By the end of 2008, more than 50% of the world's population will own a mobile phone. - The Week Magazine, 2/22/08
Every blue-eyed person on planet Earth has descended from a single common ancestor with a genetic mutation who lived 6,000 to 10,000 years ago, according to research at the University of Copenhagen. - San Diego Union, 2/14/08
Former New York City mayor Rudy Giulani spent nearly $60,000,000 on his failed campaign. He won only one delegate. - The Week Magazine, 2/15/08
An 80-year-old Hungarian woman, Julianna Farkas, leaned over a barrel of sauerkraut to scoop out a portion. She was overcome with the fumes, lost her balance and drowned in sauerkraut. - San Diego Union, 2/12/08
Dirt contains bacteria that helps fight depression. - The Week Magazine, 12/28/07
Okay so here's the real reason I posted this. I am bored. The end.
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