Wednesday, August 29, 2012

My First 1st Grader

After a nice relaxing Sunday....

We decided to take one more Summer Vacation trip to Trafalga (with Logan).
This girl is now a first grader- and did I mention we love her new haircut?
This is the main reason we changed schools. Would you want to be separated from all these fun kids? There's the Hansen Twins, Miram Hatch, Jane Beckstrand, and Maddie Zabriskie.
Same group of kids, plus Tyler Alverson who has moved away, in June 2010 at Preschool graduation
Parker had some first-day-of-life-without-Leah pictures too.


Amber said...

Her hair is SO CUTE!!!

Lindsay Quinney said...

Thank you so much for taking Logan. He had so much fun! And, I LOVE Leah's hair. It is really cute. I can't believe she is in first grade!