Thursday, July 29, 2010

I Miss My Lists!

Well, I was messing around with my blog and all of my links were deleted. I'm just sick about it. I'm doing what I can to find everyone's blogs, but I'm not having much success.

If you have a blog, please leave your address so I can add you to my list. If you don't see yourself on the list, it isn't because I don't like you (well it probably isn't that- tee hee) it's because I lost you. 

Please leave your blog address in a comment or email me at melanie   dot    quinney    at    hotmail    dot    com


Amber said...

Andrew and Lori said...

I am totally offended!!

Snell Family said...

I must be one of those you don't like! Just kidding, but that totally stinks to have all your links deleted.

mattandaprilsnell dot blogspot dot com

Katy said...

Not that I ever post anything interesting but one day I might :)

Lisa said...