Friday, July 16, 2010

Field of Dreams

Parker saw his pediatrician on Monday for his four months checkup and some immunizations. At 16.6 pounds (75th percentile) and 27 1/2 inches (above the 100th percentile) we're looking forward to some good football games. We've got a future QB on our hands.

Matt can barely contain himself.


Snell Family said...

He's a stud! (and I'm sure he'll make a great QB) It's fun to see the comparison between Parker and Leah.

Unknown said...

They still look so much alike! Although I'm sure that will change. Leah doesn't strike me as a very fitting QB.

Karen said...

Sarah's right -- look at the picture farthest to the right in both of their photo strips above. Same kid!

Katy said...