With Leah we were exclusive to Huggies (and the Kirkland brand - they're identical just so you know). I'd heard that Pampers were better for boys and Huggies were better for girls. The couple of times we used Pampers with Leah I was not impressed. So Huggies it was!
Now we're having a boy.
Please, if you don't mind, weigh in on the following brands:
*Up and Up
(the new brand at Target. I've read some really good reviews on them but haven't actually met anyone that's used them.)
*Also, don't even try to convince me to use cloth diapers... IT WILL NOT HAPPEN!
Also, in case anyone is wondering... we're going to try out the Playtex Ventair Bottles with 'Buddy'. See? I really do value others opinions.
With Broadie I liked huggies the best (Kirkland brand also) ... I thought Pampers leaked more and I never tried up and up so I am clueless there.
We were given packages of White cloud, Parent's Choice, Huggies, and Pampers when we had Marshall. The only ones that worked once he was out of the preemie/newborn size were the Huggies. As an older diaper wearing child, we were exclusive to the Huggies Supremes (the purple-ish package as opposed to the red and white package). Apparently not all Huggies are made equal! haha The nighttime Huggies were great too. The other brands all let leaks out way too easily to my liking.
That's funny, everyone I've talked to says they've heard huggies for boys and pampers for girls. I LOVE Huggies. I tried pampers too but Kaleb seemed to leak more. So we've been Huggies all the way with both boys.
Although, I only get Huggies Supreme because the normal Huggies feel more wet on the outside and don't seem to hold as much. Although that's probably my own quirky issue. Diapers are the one thing I'm willing to spend money on because I hate leaks.
Huggies! We were given 2 boxes of Pampers Swaddlers and I hated them! Huggies fit better and hold up better! And if you need some Playtex bottles, I have 11 of them unused sitting in my cupboard!
We tried several different kinds with Zach. I will only be buying Huggies until I can get these 2 into Kirkland brand diapers.
We are for sure a Huggies family. I don't think Pampers worked nearly as well!
We actually love Parents Choice - the Walmart brand. They are inexpensive but work just as well as Huggies (in my opinion!)
Too bad I can't convince you to switch to cloth, because I LOVE CLOTH! I can't even imagine switching back now, since cloth is so not a big deal. Really - I'm lazy and I'm a germophobe - if it were a big deal, I wouldn't do it.
Anyway, before cloth, we were fans of luvs. They're exactly the same as pampers baby dry. I like the huggies supremes, but they were too expensive, and the huggies snug and dry just seemed too scratchy and uncomfortable.
Pamper swaddlers for newborn and huggies after that
I never liked Pampers. We ALWAYS had problems with them. Huggies for Mckenzie and we LOVED Luvs for Tucker. I don't know what it was, but for some reason, we have gotten the best leak protection from them. That's my input and I'm sticken to it.
I've been a Huggies loyal with both my boys. I very rarely have leak issues with them.
I never thought there was much difference in diapers until Aiden came around!! We always used whatever was cheap, but with him the cheap stuff doesn't work! He is a tummy sleeper and if we use anything but huggies he wakes up soaked! Up and Up are not that great! They are okay. Here is my suggestion: while he is an infant I would stock with huggies. When he gets a bit older I think anything goes. I hate pampers! and Luvs.
4 boys...Pampers never worked (even for the girl). We've had great luck with Huggies for many a little bottom. I never dare branch out. Way too risky. :)
What's one more opinion right, and since I have two boys I thought I would share my experience. Now when they are newborns if they are small like both my boys we went with pampers swaddlers for the first couples of weeks, then we used we used the kirkland brand with Makay, sadly I feel like I can't remember with Logan, wait I do, we used pampers cruisers. I don't think it matters too much once they get into crawling toddler stage, but in the beginning huggies are bad for boys. It also helps if in the first few months you make sure their pee-pee is pointing down and not up, or they will leak up by their tummy.
Anyway hope this helps.
We used Target with the twins, we couldn't afford anything else with 2 babies. They were great and we never really had any problems. I only like the newborn Pampers because they smell so good and are so soft on thier skin, other than that I am not fond of Pampers. You are right Kirkland and Huggies are the same and if you get the once in a while coopons from Costco it is always a sweet sweet thing.
I love Huggies!! We use them for Skyler and I love them. We tried the pampers and didn't mind them, but the huggies are able to hold more with out leaking. At least that is what we experienced with Skyler. So huggies is my vote! Good luck!
I'd leave my two cents, but they aren't worth much. I just use pampers. Why? Because I'm afraid of generic and luvs have this smell to them. And I always get coupons for papmers.
I do have to add that pointing the man part DOWN will definately prevent a lot of unnecessary leakage. I'm interested to find out what you decide upon.
So with Xander, we found he ahd too many blow outs with anything but huggies, so we stuck to huggies. We planned on doing the same with Elodie, but various diapers were given to us, and we found that they all worked equally well for her. She was less prone to blowing out and could use the cheapo generics from walmart, the cheapest disposable per our comparisons. SO I decided you gotta decide on an individual kid basis. Stroange, huh?
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