Thursday, February 19, 2009

Sponge Curlers - Take 1

Leah was so happy to leave the curlers alone and not touch her hair while she was sleeping. She was so excited to, "have curly hair like Lucy!" Those are her words.

And then she woke up from her nap.

Not so happy now.

You wouldn't be either if your hair looked like this. Leah was extremely upset that I would even think about taking those curlers out.

Hmmm, this process may need a little more tweaking before she can be seen in public.


Anonymous said...
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Nicole said...

Not everyone gets to have curls like Lucy. Most days I would like her curls.

Snell Family said...

It's funny how she doesn't even want to show her face with the hair. So happy when they're in and then her face says it all after that. Hopefully "Take-2" will be better.

Unknown said...

HAHAHA! Thanks for a good laugh. Oh, Leah, I don't blame you.

Katy said...

Lucy is looking at this with me. She loves the pictures!! So cute.

Carl and Steph said...

What?! You're not supposed to leave the curlers in?! Well that explains alot. My advise, twist then curl. (as if curling alone isn't hard enough...)

Amber said...

Oh poor thing, I feel so bad! I still think it looks cute with the clip in it!

Marc and Miriam Deru said...

This is hilarious. Oh, Leah!

Hollie said...

Her face says so much - so dramatic! I tried curlers with my oldest girl and she didn't keep them in longer than a few minutes. She did great keeping them in so long.

Hansen Family Blog said...

This is the number one reason I am sooo greatful that my kids have natural curls. I hated the sponge curler headache in the morning. The las picture is pretty dang cute.