Saturday, April 19, 2008

Post Script

Oh and we also got a new fish. We figured we're doing so well with the other three that it was time to put in a Plecostomus. Our tank is in desperate need of some algae removal and this is the easiest way to do that- Pleco's are basically scum suckers. They nose around on the bottom and sides of tanks (and anywhere else they can get) eating all the gunk that comes around. Lovely, I know.

Our little guy's name is Pablo, thanks Aaron and Nicole AND Portrey Family, and he is an Albino Bushy Nose Plecostomus. I've decided not to post pictures of him because I think he's sort of gross looking with his pink eyes and bushy nose and all. We'll keep you posted on how he's thriving in his new environment.


Snell Family said...

Do you think I could get one to clean my house? Just kidding. Well, I guess they have those rolling vaccuum robot things I can't think of what they're called. Leah's birthday pictures are really cute!

Joanna said...

Melanie, your family is so cute! Thanks for stopping by my blog. And I hope your new fishy acclimates without any problems. :)

Joanna said...

Melanie, your family is so cute! Thanks for stopping by my blog. And I hope your new fishy acclimates without any problems. :)

brie said...

So, are fish like that expensive? Because I always just got the goldfish and chinese fighting fish. Hmmm.