Monday, February 18, 2008

29 Days of Gratitude: Parts XV - XVII

Pardon my delay in the gratitude, it was a busy weekend.

Part XV: Days of Gratitude. After reading my sister-in-laws post on The Happiness project (which is posted as a link on the right side of our blog) I realized how much I have to be happy about. It's the little things. So as Part Fifteen I am grateful for gratitude. Without gratitude, and more specifically the 29 Days of Gratitude, it would be so easy to get complacent about all the normal things in my life. When it is actually all the normal things that make my life so wonderful. I really look forward to every morning waking up and finding one little thing to post about and think about and just be grateful for.

Part XVI: This entry is for my calling in church. I have been the primary chorister (between two wards) since October 2004. Now, anyone who knows me well knows that for the last year or so I have been more than fed up with this calling. Even to the point of talking to the bishop about a release (a talk which he seems to have forgotten about, it's alright, he's got a lot on his mind). At the beginning of this year our primary presidency held a leadership meeting in which each member of the presidency spoke about different aspects of teaching, etc. The meetings have always been... predictable in the past and this year was no surprise. So I was surprised as I was walking away from the meeting at the feeling of rejuvenation I felt. It's been nice to enjoy my calling again, something I haven't done since October of 2005. I am actually happy to prepare singing time every week, to teach the children new songs every month, and to help them learn the gospel through song. Music has such a resounding effect on people and I feel that teaching in the primary with song is one of the more effective ways to drive home the finer points of our gospel.

Part XVII: DVR. I really shouldn't have to say more than that, except THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU!!!

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