Thursday, May 31, 2012

March Happened

Parker desperately tried to pedal his bike on his own, but his cute little legs were just about 1/4 of an inch too short to make the full pedal turn.

Definitely the favorite birthday gift- a new train set.

During March my sister and her husband took a much needed vacation to Las Vegas. Matt and I opened our home to their five children (ages four to fifteen) for a weekend and had so much fun. I hope my kids are as helpful during their teenage years as Maddie and Brayden were. I have incredibly awesome nieces and nephews (all around, not just those two). Pictures above: Conner and Parker; Parker is officially obsessed with soccer balls due to Conner.

Maddie, ever The Helpful

Parker played Logan's shadow much of the time.

I have no words for Leah anymore. She's just really into silly lately. I love her.

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