Wednesday, January 12, 2011

In My Head

 It's fun having a kid that is old enough to enjoy playing in the snow.

He's still cute, even with a face that's soaking wet (all. the. time.).

I cannot wait for Parker to hit this age. I'm such a sucker for an 18 month old.

Stay tuned for: The Gardner Village Elves.
Lisa, are you going to kill me if I post that picture of Kenz.? I won't do it if you don't want me to... you have 48 hours to answer.


Unknown said...

That picture of Kenzie, huh? I'm dying to know what it could be...Cute video of Leah! 18 month olds are precious. And those pictures are all beautiful! You're a great photographer!

Carl and Steph said...

Cute hat that Leah has!! Is it handmade? I'd love to get the pattern. It's scary to see your kid lying underneath a piece of furniture. I'm glad she's alright.