Thursday, July 16, 2009

The Lunch Conundrum

Why is it that the hardest meal of the day is lunch? I can never figure out what to eat. Nothing sounds good, nothing sounds easy enough, and nothing just makes itself. So, of course, by the time I do figure something out, I'm too busy or too lazy to actually make it. Sometimes I feel it's too late to eat anything, after all I still want to be hungry for dinner. It seems that of all the meals I can skip, lunch is the easiest to skip. Ironically, it is also the one that if skipped makes me the most grizzly for the remainder of the day.

When I haven't had lunch, I rarely have the energy to do anything worthwhile in those awful hours of the day. You know the time: Kid is up from nap, blood sugar is low (even if you have eaten lunch), Dad isn't home yet, Kid is tired of looking at your face. Nothing good comes from the time between 4:00 PM and 6:00 PM. So on top of low energy and low morale, now I don't feel like making dinner. Oh, of course I want dinner. I just don't want to make it. Now, all of the sudden Dad is home, dinner hasn't even been thought about, you and Kid are up in arms, and the house is probably a mess. All because of low energy that comes from not eating lunch.

Well, you would think that since I've obviously had so much time to think about this that I'd eat lunch, right? Well, 60% of my days are still lunch-less. Better than the 90% they used to be though. We are eating out A LOT LESS than we used to. But still, lunch... sigh...

It's 2:18 and I still haven't eaten lunch. What to eat, what to eat, what to eat...

(Have you ever noticed that if you make up a word like lunchless, the spell checker catches it? But when you insert a hyphen, lunch-less, all of the sudden it's approved. I love inventing words.)



The Dahle Family said...

I know whatcha mean about the 4:00-6:00 time. I just call it cranky hour and accept it. I'm wondering if Leah got the key lime pie lunch special as well!

Unknown said...

On your Happenings sidebar . . . you forgot someone very important. You! Happy Birthday to Melanie on 7/2 as well.

Don't think I'd let you go unnoticed.

Mirien said...

Leftovers from dinner are my standby. I especially like to make big salads for dinner and I make sure there is enough for me the next day. I'm much more likely to make good eating choices if it's easy and available. Corinne usually opts for tortillas and melted cheese or PB sandwiches. But in summer, when everyone's home for lunch??? Arghh...I'm having a hard time with that one.

And as for the pie?? I'd never eat that at 3pm--it would already be gone. I'd have eaten it for breakfast.

Carl and Steph said...

That's hilarious....We often go to the neighbor's house durning the witching hour.

We also depend on dinner leftovers for lunch. However, when there are none it makes for a sticky situation.

Why can wejust all order from Schawns or something and have all our food practically prepared and delivered to our house, WITHOUT paying and arm and leg for it?

Neff Family said...

Menu's helped the Neff food morale. Cohen and Kembry are always ready for dinner when they wake up at like four, and Brett isn't due home for another hour and a half. So, I just wrote down a whole bunch of heavier snacks I know they like. Like slices of apples with string cheese, or yogurt and gold fish crackers. It helps to combine something salty with something sweet. Same thing for dinner. I just have a list of a whole bunch of stuff we all like, and if I have no idea what to cook (which is usually the case) I consult the menu. It's not so stressful anymore! Now if only I could get Kembry to catch onto the potty life would be complete!