Thursday, April 23, 2009

"Gardenia" by: Mandy Moore

I'm L O V I N G this song! So much that I actually figured out how to use iTunes (I know, what kind of dark age am I living in that I didn't know how to use iTunes or even make a simple purchase?) to download the song. As it turns out, iTunes is pretty easy to use. Who knew?

I was going to upload the song to a playlist, but I find playlists on blogs (with the autostart) slightly obnoxious. So I'll give you the You Tube version of Mandy Moore performing the song.


On a different note, as I was typing this post Leah came up to me and said she wanted to go outside to play.

Also, does it annoy anyone else that you shouldn't double space after typing the punctuation to end a sentence anymore? It took me a long time to get used to this. And now I have to change back to this. UGH!


Snell Family said...

The double space thing annoys me too! I helped edit a paper Matt wrote and changed everything to double space from single space and he then informed me it isn't correct to double space. When did they change that?

Tracy said...

Yeah, I know about that spacing thing too but I'm boycotting it. Take that, puncuation committee.

Tracy said...


Tracy said...

Wow good song. I haven't heard Mandy Moore for ages.

Lindsay Quinney said...

First of all I don't know how to use ITunes either. Second, I haven't even heard about the double spacing thing. Thats ridiculous. What is the point of changing it? I think i am just going to keep it the way it has always been. What a bother to change it.

The Dahle Family said...

What? Apparently, the punctuation police haven't gotten the word out very well--I hadn't heard that one space is the new correct. Since when? Old habits die hard. I'm not feeling committed enough to break this habit yet.