Tonight I realized that My Little Leah is quickly growing into My Leah. She and I were saying her prayers tonight and a thought just popped into my head, "Leah is SAYING her prayers." Yes, I have to prompt her but she speaks the words so clearly.
All of the sudden I flashed back to when she was 2 months old and colicky. I couldn't wait for her to grow out of the colicky stage. Then she was 9 months old and I wanted her to crawl, and she was 12 months old and I just wanted her to be able to walk and talk, then it was yesterday afternoon and I wanted her to be out of diapers.
Never before have the words of my oldest sister rung more true. My sisters, Tracy and Lisa, and I were all pregnant and due within 8 weeks of each other and my sister-in-law had a baby only 3 months afterwards. It was Baby Season in the McGee world. I remember that Tracy, Lisa and I were together at some point not too long after Lisa had Mckenzie (this would make Leah 2 months old, Fisher 4 weeks old, and Mckenzie 2 weeks old). We were all sitting around with our brand new babies, each sister holding a baby that wasn't her's. Tracy, the fourth-time mother, said, "You keep waiting and waiting for your first baby to grow up and then you have a 2nd one (and 3rd and 4th- and now 5th for her) and realize how short the baby stage really is. It just isn't fair that they are so little for such a short time."
Of course, I don't have a second child, but tonight I realized that my baby is a toddler. And in not too long she will be a 'kid', going to preschool and learning without me. As terrible as Leah's colicky months were, I wish I hadn't been mentally rushing her through those important times when she was totally dependent on Matt and myself.
Rereading this post, I hope it doesn't sound like too much of a downer. It's not meant to be. Tracy's comment, I believe, was followed by something like, "'s great to have them grow up and watch them learn..." etc, etc. I do feel like most of the time, I can really cherish the moment IN the moment. You just look back and realize that all of the sudden the tiny 7 lb. 5 oz. newborn you could hold in one arm is now a 22 lb. Singer and Ultimate Fan of 'Mermen' (The Little Mermaid, for any of those wondering).
I love the stage Leah is in right now and wouldn't change how things have happened with her. But, maybe I can remember how I feel tonight and try to keep her 2 years old a little longer.
I don't have my own kids, but Jaedon gets baptized this year and Tyleigh is starting to talk and walk, Leah can ask me to watch Dora and drink out of her own cup, Kaleb can play with trains and eat by himself and I wonder where the time went? I swear they were all just born! They grow up so quick! I think you gave the best advice though, Live IN the moment and cherish it. And then have another one!!!! (Hint,Hint)
Sigh. I think you are discovering why moms are willing to do the whole dreadful pregnancy thing again and again. Because their babies grow up! Big kids are awesome for entirely different reasons, but there's just nothing like a little one. It's exciting and sad at the same time to witness them growing up. I guess we just get to enjoy the process. :)
I rushed Alison and Lisa along (it was a blessed day when they could both walk!) Annika not quite as much, but I haven't wished Nathan would do anything any sooner. I have really just enjoyed the moment, and realized that it will happen when they are ready, not me. I guess I fibbed a little, I would really like him to sleep from midnight to 7 am, but who am I kidding, if he wasn't getting up one of the others kids usually is ;)
It is sort of sad realizing the stage of total dependancy and (cute) baby-ness are disappearing. I've been just like you, itching for Benjamin to just grow up and move on to the next milestone. Maybe this next one will be different. I don't know. Toddlers ARE way more fun than babies...
sounds like you need another 'claire aged' child! :) if not for you, for claire? eh?
I cried when Cohen turned 3. Brett just laughed at me. I love seeing him so big and independent, but it is still hard. They're a completely different person. It's like you've lost that little baby they once were. But it's ok, cause the 'kid' they are is awesome too.
I know how you feel. I cry every time I see baby pictures of Kaiyenna. And I don't want Keydran to grow up. I do love watching them grow. It just makes me sad that it happens so fast.
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